domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


Psychology’s most famous figure is also one of the most influential and controversial thinkers of the twentieth century. Sigmund Freud’s work and theories helped shape our views of childhood, personality, memory, sexuality, and therapy. Other major thinkers have contributed work that grew out of Freud’s legacy, while others developed new theories out of opposition to his ideas.

In 2001, Time Magazine referred to Freud as one of the most important thinkers of the last century. A 2006 Newsweek article called him “history’s most debunked doctor.” While his theories have been the subject of considerable controversy and debate, his impact on psychology, therapy, and culture is undeniable.

When he was young, Sigmund Freud’s family moved from Frieberg, Moravia to Vienna where he would spend most of his life. His parents taught him at home before entering him in Spurling Gymnasium, where he was first in his class and graduated Summa cum Laude. After studying medicine at the University of Vienna, Freud worked and gained respect as a physician. Through his work with respected French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, Freud became fascinated with the emotional disorder known as hysteria. Later, Freud and his friend and mentor Dr. Jose Breuer introduced him to the case study of a patient known as Anna O., who was really a woman named Bertha Pappenheim. Her symptoms included a nervous cough, tactile anesthesia, and paralysis.

Over the course of her treatment, the woman recalled several traumatic experiences, which Freud and Breuer believed contributed to her illness.

The two physicians concluded that there was no organic cause for Anna O’s difficulties, but that having her talk about her experiences had a calming effect on the symptoms. Freud and Breuer published the work Studies in Hysteria in 1865. It was Bertha Pappenheim herself who referred to the treatment as “the talking cure.” Later works include The Interpretation of Dreams (1900) and Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905). While these works became world famous, Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages has long been a subject of criticism and debate. While his theories are often viewed with skepticism, Freud’s work continues to influence psychology and many other disciplines to this day.

1. Complete these sentences.

1. Sigmund Freud work and theories helped_________________________________
2. Freud became fascinated with __________________________________________
3. Freud and Breuer published____________________________________________
4. Freud’s work continues _______________________________________________

2. Project work
Investigate about theories of Sigmund Freud.
Which one do you agree with and which one you don’t? Explain your choice.

3. Answer these questions

Will you go out tonight?
Will your friends come to the birthday party?
Will you help your parents when they need it?
Will you buy a new car soon?
Will you learn a new language this year?
Will anybody call you today?
Will you e-mail anyone tomorrow?

4. Match these questions with the answers.

1. Where will Jim spend his vacations?                       a) He’ll do it many times.
2. When will you come back from work?                    b) He’ll finish it in two weeks.
3. Who will bring food to the picnic?                          c)  He’ll go to Miami.
4. Will he talk to you today?                                       d) Sure, she will. It’s so cheap.
5. How will you solve this problem?                           e) I’ll be back at 8 p.m.
6. What time will they arrive?                                      f) Martha will bring it.
7. Where will students put their books?                       g) I’ll just be honest.
8. How many times will he e-mail you?                           h) They’ll put them on the shelves.
9. Will she buy her car next week?                              i) They’ll arrive at 7 p.m.
10 When will your brother finish school?                    j) No, he won’t.

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