martes, 11 de octubre de 2016


Lesson 1

Listen and repeat.

A: Hi, Sue. Are you ready for the game on Saturday?
B: Yes, who told you about the match?
A: I read about it in the local paper. Well done, Sue.
B: Thank you very much.
A: You’re the best tennis player ever.
B: Very kind of you to say that.

Language focus

Expressions of gratitude
Good wishes

Good morning /evening



How are you?

Fine, thank you.

Fine, thanks.

Hello. My name is …
Nice to meet you.

Let me introduce my friend.

I’ll see you.

Good bye

So long

See you later

Thank you


Thanks a lot / a million.

You are welcome.

The same to you.

I appreciate it.

All the best

Have fun!


I hope you have a nice…

Have a happy ….

Cheer up.

Practice the following dialogues. Work with a partner.

A:  I’m going to Margarita for the weekend.
B:  Have a good time.
A:  Thanks.

A:  I’m going to a party this evening.
B:  Have fun!
A:  Thanks a lot.

A:  I’ve finished my studies.
B:  I wish you the best.
A:  Thank you very much.

A:  I got a new job.
B:  I hope it’s interesting. All the best.
A:  Thank you.

Complete the dialogues.


A: I’m going to Jenny’s birthday party tomorrow.
B: ___________________________________________________________

A: Were you invited?
B: Yes, but I’m not going because I’m leaving for Peru tomorrow.
A: ____________________________________________________________
B: I’ll do my best. _________________________

I hope you have lots of fun – have a great time – thank you.


A: I just finished my studies.
B: Good for you. _______________________________
A: _________________ The bad news is I now have to look for a job.
B: Bad news? Come on! You will find a job anytime. You’ll see.
A: ______________________________________________________________

Very nice of you to say so. Thank you.  – Thank you – Congratulations.

A:  Hi, Susan, what are you doing here?
B:  I’m visiting my father. He’s in room 14. He’s been here for 3 days.
A:  _________________________________________________________________

B: _____________________________________ The doctor says he is, but I think he is very sick.
A: Don’t be pessimistic. ________________ Things will get better.
B: Very kind of you to say that. __________________________________________
A: ______________________________, bye.

Thank you- Cheer up – All the best – Thank you very much – I hope he’s feeling better.

Circle A, B, C or D
1. Mary got very good grades at school.
A. Congratulations        B. Thanks    C.  Sorry      D. Cheers
2. A friend is starting a new business.
A. Merry Christmas      B. Have fun    C.  Good Luck     D. Happy Birthday
3. Your sister is going to a party.
A. Don’t worry       B. Have fun    C.  Sorry     D. Happy Birthday
4. You are meeting somebody.
A.  Sorry    B. Nice to meet you     C.  See you later     D. Don’t worry
5. Somebody thank you for a favor.
A.  See you later    B. You’re welcome     C.  Sorry     D. Happy Birthday
You’re visiting a friend on December 25th.
A. Congratulations     B. Merry Christmas   C.  Cheers     D. Happy new year

Answer the following questions.

1.What do you say to somebody who hast juts won a very important sporting event?

2. What do you say to somebody who has just found a new job?

3. What do you say to people on December 31th at midnight?
4. What do you say to a friend who has just gotten married?

Write a short dialogue. Use Good wishes and thanks.

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