domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


This is a common question among the students who are finishing high school. Generally, our students begin university without a clear idea of what they want to be in life.
One of the most important decisions in your life is choosing a career and it isn’t an easy matter. It is common to see that Sons and daughters follow in the footsteps of their parents. In many cases, they are successful. But sometimes they are not. And then, what happens? We have the problem of unsuccessful professionals. Then, you ask yourselves: What can we do in order to choose the right career? Here are some advices.
  • Be careful, analyze your problem and study your skills.
  • Look for information about the career our universities offer.
  • Study those careers carefully to set if they agree with your capacities and abilities.
  • Look for the advice of people who work in the field you want to study.
  • Here are two methods that may help you choose a career
(Make a precise study of yourself.
Ask yourself what are your interests, your abilities and your talents.
Concentrate on a few. Those which are more obvious.
Study all the variables related to the field choosing a career.
Study your interests, abilities and capacities. Find out what you do well and what you do less well.
Study the job field. Begin with an open mind. Remember that the career of a parent relative, in some cases. May be right for you.  But in other cases, it won’t.
Ask yourself or determine if you really have the academic ability, time and the necessary funds to complete the studies you want to do. Talk with your teachers. They can offer you invaluable help.
Analyze the requirements of different kinds of work and compare them with your interest. Read books and other publications lo get clear information about job descriptions.
Try to get a complete information about the studies you want to follow. If it is possible, take elementary courses related to your different fields of interest. Look for advisers among your family and friends or talk with other people who work in the field you want lo study.
With all this information in your hands, follow your objective with all your energy.
Comprehension questions:

1.      Do you have a clear idea of what you want to be in life?
2.      Do you think choosing a career is an easy matter?
3.      Do you want to be a successful professional?
4.      Have you already looked for information about the career you want lo study?
5.      Can you make a list of your interests, your abilities and your talents?
6.      Are you planning to choose the career of a parent or relative?
7.      Have you asked yourself if you have the academic ability, time and the necessary funds to complete the studies you want to do?
8. Do you think this reading will help you choose your career?

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