domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


Jet lag

Although 24 hours passed since Barbara had arrived from Australia, she wasn’t completely recovered from jet lag.
Barbara had started her journey on Thursday at 7 o’clock in the morning and after 17 hours of flying she arrived home at 7:25 am the same Thursday.
But though she hasn’t slept for almost 36 hours, it wasn’t easy to fall asleep.
 “I almost haven’t slept.” - said Barbara.
Changing time zones had modified her sleeping habits.

When she woke up at 8 o’clock next morning as she usually she felt really tired. Barbara hadn’t noticed how exhausted she was until 2 hours later when she realized she was driving on the wrong lane.

 “Suddenly, I felt that something wasn’t right! I wasn’t in Australia but was driving on the left lane “
Choose TRUE or FALSE for these statements.

She had started her journey on Thursday

She arrived home on Friday.

Barbara hasn’t slept for 30 hours

It was easy for her to fail asleep

When she woke up she felt great.

Barbara returned from New Zealand

She was driving on the wrong lane.

Present Perfect Simple - have • Past Part
is used
When action happened in unspecified time before now
To describe your experience
To talk about the change that has happened over a period of time
To list the accomplishments

We’ve done all the work
She hasn’t written me for long.

Past Perfect Tense - had Past Participle
Is used
- completed action before something iii the past
- duration before something in the post
(Non-continuous verbs)

Signal words for Past Perfect:
before, until
by the time
Betty has arrived before you called me.
We hadn’t thought about it until you mentioned his name
By the time my father came I had already fallen asleep.

Make your own examples using Present Perfect and Past Perfect tenses.

This is a list of factors that doctors suggest might affect sleep quality.
Read and match them with the pictures.

You had put too many pillows on your bed before going to sleep. (a)
You had smoked and had coffee before going to bed. (b)
You had fought with someone and felt really stressed before you went to sleep. (d)
You had eaten a lot right before going to bed.(c)


Playing your favorite CD after a hard day. or listening to your favorite radio station before you go to bed, is soothing or actually helps put you in a better mood. Music is for more than just noise in the background - it can actually help you to sleep better, improve your brainpower, and reduce stress and more. A very interesting study published in the February 2005 edition of the Journal of Advanced Nursing found that older adults with sleep problems who listened to soft music of bedtime reported a 35 percent improvement in their sleep. The participants slept longer and better, and had less daytime dysfunction after listening to 45 minutes of music before bed.

Complete this text with the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

I can’t believe I (get) ________ that apartment.
 I (submit) ___________ my application last week, but I didn’t think 1 had a chance of actually getting it.
When I (show) _____________up to take a look around, there were at least twenty other people who (arrive) ___________ before me
Most of them (fill, already) ____________out their applications and were already leaving. The landlord said I could still apply, so I did. I (try) ___________to fill out the form, but I couldn’t answer half of the questions.
They (want) ____________me to include references, but I didn’t want to list my previous landlord because I (have)____________ some problems with him and I knew he wouldn’t recommend me.
I (end) _________________ up listing my father as a reference.

Speaking activity:

Tell your classmates what you had done before you went to sleep yesterday.
Use Past Perfect and Past Simple in your sentences.
Share your good and bad sleeping experiences with your partners.

I had watched a horror movie before I went to sleep. I couldn’t fall asleep for long.

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