lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016



For foreign students of English, a good dictionary is a valuable tool that will save you many times if it is use correctly and efficiently. An English dictionary is a record of how English speakers define, pronounce, spell and use the words of their language. A good dictionary will be a small desk dictionary that contains more than 100.000 different words, as well as other useful references and information. Your study needs will be met satisfactorily by one of these dictionaries. It is also important to use only a dictionary that has been recently published or revised.
What will you find in a dictionary?
1. Spelling: A dictionary shows the accepted spelling of every word that is listed, as well as the spelling of irregular verb forms and plurals.
2. Pronunciation: Each dictionary has a special way of showing how words are pronounced, including stress.
3. Syllable division: This helps in spelling and pronouncing words and indicates where the word should be divided at the end of a line.
4. Derivation: A dictionary includes the history of each word, indicating its origin and development through different languages before it became an English word.
5. Meaning: Almost every word has more than a single meaning. Different meanings are given, often with illustrative sentences; especially technical definitions are also listed. You must be careful; the real meaning of a word depends upon how it is used in a sentence.
6. Part of a speech: These are determined by actual use in a sentence. A dictionary indicates, however, whether the word is commonly used as a noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction or preposition.
7. Usage: Your dictionary will tell you whether the word is chiefly British or American or whether the word is form, colloquial, dialectal, archaic, poetic or slang.
8. Synonyms and antonyms: Frequently words are similar or opposite meanings are listed, with explanation of distinctions.
9. General information: Information about persons and places are listed, either within the alphabetical arrangement of the words or in special section at the back. Any good dictionary will give this much information. Some dictionaries also include rules for spelling, punctuation and capitalization, and a list of common names in English. If you are confused by the system of weights and measures in English, you can find a table of equivalents in your dictionary. A good dictionary will become a friend of yours.
Taken from: Study Skills.
 By: Richard C. Yorky.
Answer the questions according to the reading.
1. What is an English dictionary?
2. What kind of dictionary will be more helpful for you?
3. How many words should a desk dictionary contain?
4. Should you use old dictionaries?
5. What kind of information will you find in a dictionary?
6. Do you think a dictionary can become a good friend of yours? Why?

C. Copy the following words in alphabetical order.




1. ________________   9. _______________    17._____________ 25.____________
2.________________   10._______________    18._____________ 26.____________
3.________________   11._______________    19. ____________  27._____________
4.________________   12._______________    20._____________ 28._____________
5.________________   13._______________    21._____________ 29.____________
6.________________   14._______________    22._____________ 30.____________
7.________________   15._______________    23._____________ 31.____________
8.________________   16._______________    24._____________ 32.____________


Read the following passage silently.
Don’t stop when you find unknown words
Do it at an adequate reading rate
Answer these questions (English or Spanish)
1. What is the title of the passage?
2. How many paragraphs does it have?
3. What do you know about the scientific method?
4. Have you read anything about it?

The scientific method is a method of inquiry that allows us to determine the causes of natural phenomena. There are two basic forms of scientific research: experiments and observational studies. Only experiments permit us to be certain that a cause-and-effect relation exists. An experiment tests the truth of a hypothesis, which is a tentative statement about a cause-and effect relation between an independent variable and a dependent variable. Operational definitions are a necessary part of the procedure by which a hypothesis is tested; they also can eliminate confusion by giving concrete form to the hypothesis, thus making its meaning absolutely clear to other psychologists.

To perform an experiment, a scientist alters the value of the independent variable and looks for changes in the dependent variable. Because a hypothesis is stated in general terms, the scientist must specific the particular operations that he or she will perform to manipulate the independent variable and to measure the dependent variable. That is, the experimenter must provide operational definitions which may require some ingenuity and hard work of an operational definition refers lo the degree to which it adequately produces a particular value of the independent variable or measures the value of the dependent variable. The reliability of an operational definition refers to its consistency and precision. A careful researcher achieves high reliability by paying attention to the conditions of the study and ensuring that the procedures are followed carefully and correctly. lf a measurement involves some subjectivity, then the researcher should make sure that interrater reliability is high.
From: ‘Psychology the Science of Behavior” by Neill Carlson

1. - Identify the words you don’t know.
Guess the unknown words by context.

Try to understand the meaning of an unknown word through its morphology. (Prefix - suffix)
Identify the cognates.
Identify the clue words.
lf it is necessary, use the dictionary.

2. - Underline the main idea of each paragraph.
3. - Underline the secondary ideas.
4. - Write an outline about the reading

1. Main idea of the first paragraph
A. Secondary idea
B. Secondary idea
2. Main idea of the second paragraph
A. Secondary idea
B. Secondary idea
Details of the secondary idea (if there are)

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016



Length measures
Weight measures
Liquid measures
One foot = 30 centimeters
One inch= 2,5 centimeters
One yard= 0,91 centimeters
One mile= 1,6 kilometers.
An ounce= about 28 grams.
A pound=  454 grams.
A kilogram= 1.000 grams

A quart= one liter
A pint= a half of liter
A gallon= almost 4 liters


How much – How many – How often – How long – How wide – How high – How deep –How fast – How heavy- How far
Using “How”
To ask about measures
To ask about quantities
To ask about frequency, velocity and distance
How long / How wide/ How high/How deep/How heavy/ How tall/ How thick
How long is the room?
How deep is the Guri lake?

How much/ How many/ How heavy
How much did you pay?
How many people go there?
How heavy is your English book?
How often/ How fast/ How far
How often do you there?
How fast can you drive a car?
How far is your house from School?

How often do you come to class? (Four times a week)
How much water do you drink everyday? (Eight glasses of water)
How much do you weigh? (About 65 kilograms)
What’s your weight? (About one hundred and fifty pounds)
How fast can a plane fly? (At 800 kms per hour)
How much milk does your mother buy weekly? (One gallon)
How tall are you? (1,70 meters tall)
How far is Puerto Ordaz from Ciudad Bolivar? (About one hour by bus)
How high is your house?  (Three meters high)

___________________ is your father? He’s seven feet tall.
___________________is your English book? It’s two inches thick.
___________________is the Avenue?  It’s five kilometers long.
___________________ does the car go? It goes at 120 kilometers per hour.
___________________ is the living room? It’s about six meters wide.

There are:
 _________ feet in a meter. _____________ inches in one yard. _____________ inches in a foot. ___________feet in one mile. _____________ meters in five feet. ___________ meters in five kilometers._____________ inches in three meters.

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

The Letter

The letter

Miss Susan Medler
521 Orandell Avenue
Orandell, New Jersey
Dear daughter:
How are things going with you? We miss you a lot. We´re sending you this postcard from Montreal. It´s a beautiful city. We bought you many things. We´´ll be going back next week.
Lots of love
Dad and Mom

Some closings are:

Formal: yours truly, sincerely yours, Best personal regards, Best wishes.
Informal: Your friend, love, Yours, Best wishes.

Part II.- Read the following dialogue and write the answers to the questions below.
Daisy: Excuse me, Marian. Do you know where my brother Daniel is living?
Marian: No, I don’t. I haven’t heard from him in a long time.
Daisy: Has he written you?
Marian: yes, he has, and I wrote him back as soon as I got his letter.
Daisy: When did you send the letter?
Marian: I posted it last August.
Daisy: How did you send it?
Marian: I sent it by airmail. By the way, why are you asking me that?
Daisy: Because he called me asking about you.
Marian: Why didn’t he call me?
Daisy: He said that hasn’t heard from you since he left.
Marian: But I’ve mailed him two letters and a postcard to 4225 Sunset Street.
Daisy: That’s the problem. His address is 4225 Sunbeam Street.
Marian: Oh! What can I do? I miss him a lot.
Daisy: Call him right now. I have his phone number.

a)      Who is Daniel’s sister?
b)      When did Marian answer Daniel’s letter?
c)      Did she send it in September?
d)     How did she send the letter?
e)      Has Daniel heard from Marian?
f)       How many letters has Marian mailed to Daniel?
g)      Did Daniel receive any of them?
h)      What was the problem?

Parts of the letter.

432 Avenida Libertador
Mérida, Estado Mérida
January 30, 2009-02-01

Dear Dad,

Forgive me for not writing you before, but we were very busy moving to our new home, Mérida is a beautiful and peaceful city. Our house is very well situated. We have a Shopping Center two blocks from here, and a beautiful large park in front of us. The University is only half an hour by car, and a good bus service that goes there stops just in front of the park.
How are things going with you and Mom? We are curious to know about your new car. Please write soon and send some pictures. David hopes you and Mom can visit us as soon as we finish our moving and our new house is ready.

Give my love to Mom, and lots of kisses to my sister.



Answer these questions.

a)      Who’s writing the letter?
b)      Where is Mary living?
c)      Who has a new car?
d)     What’s Mary’s husband’s name?
e)      Do they have a Shopping Center near their house?
f)       How far is the University from home?

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016


Lesson 1

Listen and repeat.

A: Hi, Sue. Are you ready for the game on Saturday?
B: Yes, who told you about the match?
A: I read about it in the local paper. Well done, Sue.
B: Thank you very much.
A: You’re the best tennis player ever.
B: Very kind of you to say that.

Language focus

Expressions of gratitude
Good wishes

Good morning /evening



How are you?

Fine, thank you.

Fine, thanks.

Hello. My name is …
Nice to meet you.

Let me introduce my friend.

I’ll see you.

Good bye

So long

See you later

Thank you


Thanks a lot / a million.

You are welcome.

The same to you.

I appreciate it.

All the best

Have fun!


I hope you have a nice…

Have a happy ….

Cheer up.

Practice the following dialogues. Work with a partner.

A:  I’m going to Margarita for the weekend.
B:  Have a good time.
A:  Thanks.

A:  I’m going to a party this evening.
B:  Have fun!
A:  Thanks a lot.

A:  I’ve finished my studies.
B:  I wish you the best.
A:  Thank you very much.

A:  I got a new job.
B:  I hope it’s interesting. All the best.
A:  Thank you.

Complete the dialogues.


A: I’m going to Jenny’s birthday party tomorrow.
B: ___________________________________________________________

A: Were you invited?
B: Yes, but I’m not going because I’m leaving for Peru tomorrow.
A: ____________________________________________________________
B: I’ll do my best. _________________________

I hope you have lots of fun – have a great time – thank you.


A: I just finished my studies.
B: Good for you. _______________________________
A: _________________ The bad news is I now have to look for a job.
B: Bad news? Come on! You will find a job anytime. You’ll see.
A: ______________________________________________________________

Very nice of you to say so. Thank you.  – Thank you – Congratulations.

A:  Hi, Susan, what are you doing here?
B:  I’m visiting my father. He’s in room 14. He’s been here for 3 days.
A:  _________________________________________________________________

B: _____________________________________ The doctor says he is, but I think he is very sick.
A: Don’t be pessimistic. ________________ Things will get better.
B: Very kind of you to say that. __________________________________________
A: ______________________________, bye.

Thank you- Cheer up – All the best – Thank you very much – I hope he’s feeling better.

Circle A, B, C or D
1. Mary got very good grades at school.
A. Congratulations        B. Thanks    C.  Sorry      D. Cheers
2. A friend is starting a new business.
A. Merry Christmas      B. Have fun    C.  Good Luck     D. Happy Birthday
3. Your sister is going to a party.
A. Don’t worry       B. Have fun    C.  Sorry     D. Happy Birthday
4. You are meeting somebody.
A.  Sorry    B. Nice to meet you     C.  See you later     D. Don’t worry
5. Somebody thank you for a favor.
A.  See you later    B. You’re welcome     C.  Sorry     D. Happy Birthday
You’re visiting a friend on December 25th.
A. Congratulations     B. Merry Christmas   C.  Cheers     D. Happy new year

Answer the following questions.

1.What do you say to somebody who hast juts won a very important sporting event?

2. What do you say to somebody who has just found a new job?

3. What do you say to people on December 31th at midnight?
4. What do you say to a friend who has just gotten married?

Write a short dialogue. Use Good wishes and thanks.