domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


Psychology’s most famous figure is also one of the most influential and controversial thinkers of the twentieth century. Sigmund Freud’s work and theories helped shape our views of childhood, personality, memory, sexuality, and therapy. Other major thinkers have contributed work that grew out of Freud’s legacy, while others developed new theories out of opposition to his ideas.

In 2001, Time Magazine referred to Freud as one of the most important thinkers of the last century. A 2006 Newsweek article called him “history’s most debunked doctor.” While his theories have been the subject of considerable controversy and debate, his impact on psychology, therapy, and culture is undeniable.

When he was young, Sigmund Freud’s family moved from Frieberg, Moravia to Vienna where he would spend most of his life. His parents taught him at home before entering him in Spurling Gymnasium, where he was first in his class and graduated Summa cum Laude. After studying medicine at the University of Vienna, Freud worked and gained respect as a physician. Through his work with respected French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, Freud became fascinated with the emotional disorder known as hysteria. Later, Freud and his friend and mentor Dr. Jose Breuer introduced him to the case study of a patient known as Anna O., who was really a woman named Bertha Pappenheim. Her symptoms included a nervous cough, tactile anesthesia, and paralysis.

Over the course of her treatment, the woman recalled several traumatic experiences, which Freud and Breuer believed contributed to her illness.

The two physicians concluded that there was no organic cause for Anna O’s difficulties, but that having her talk about her experiences had a calming effect on the symptoms. Freud and Breuer published the work Studies in Hysteria in 1865. It was Bertha Pappenheim herself who referred to the treatment as “the talking cure.” Later works include The Interpretation of Dreams (1900) and Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905). While these works became world famous, Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages has long been a subject of criticism and debate. While his theories are often viewed with skepticism, Freud’s work continues to influence psychology and many other disciplines to this day.

1. Complete these sentences.

1. Sigmund Freud work and theories helped_________________________________
2. Freud became fascinated with __________________________________________
3. Freud and Breuer published____________________________________________
4. Freud’s work continues _______________________________________________

2. Project work
Investigate about theories of Sigmund Freud.
Which one do you agree with and which one you don’t? Explain your choice.

3. Answer these questions

Will you go out tonight?
Will your friends come to the birthday party?
Will you help your parents when they need it?
Will you buy a new car soon?
Will you learn a new language this year?
Will anybody call you today?
Will you e-mail anyone tomorrow?

4. Match these questions with the answers.

1. Where will Jim spend his vacations?                       a) He’ll do it many times.
2. When will you come back from work?                    b) He’ll finish it in two weeks.
3. Who will bring food to the picnic?                          c)  He’ll go to Miami.
4. Will he talk to you today?                                       d) Sure, she will. It’s so cheap.
5. How will you solve this problem?                           e) I’ll be back at 8 p.m.
6. What time will they arrive?                                      f) Martha will bring it.
7. Where will students put their books?                       g) I’ll just be honest.
8. How many times will he e-mail you?                           h) They’ll put them on the shelves.
9. Will she buy her car next week?                              i) They’ll arrive at 7 p.m.
10 When will your brother finish school?                    j) No, he won’t.



Personnel administration is the management of the people in working organizations. It is also frequently called Personnel management, industrial relations, employee relations, and manpower management. It represents a major subsystem in the general management system, in which it refers to the management of human resources, as distinguished from financial or material resources.

The term may be used to refer to selected specific functions or activities assigned to specialized personnel officers or departments. It is also used to identify the entire scope of management policies and programs in the recruitment, allocation, leadership, and direction of manpower.

Personnel administration begins with the definition of the required quantities of particular personal capabilities. Thereafter, people must be found, recruited, selected, trained or retrained, negotiated with, counseled, led, directed, committed, rewarded, transferred, promoted, and finally released or retired. In many of these relations, managers deal with their associates as individuals (the field takes its name in part from this type of relationship).

In some working organizations, however, employees are represented by unions, and managers bargain with these associations.
Such collective-bargaining relationships are generally described as labor relations.

The organization and administration of wages and salaries is complex and varied. In some companies, the Personnel Department has more responsibility for wages and salaries than the Accounts Department. In others, the Accounts Department is responsible for calculations of pay, while the Personnel Department is more interested in negotiations with staff about pay.

If a firm wants to introduce a new wage and salary structure, it will have to decide on a method of job evaluation and ways of measuring the performance of its employees. In order to be successful, that pay structure will need agreement between Trade unions and management or a clearly defined system for dealing with problems.

In job evaluation, all of the requirements of each job are specified in a detailed job description.

Each of these requirements is given a value usually in ‘points’ or ‘factors’, which are added together to give a total value for the job. To pay each job what it is worth, the values are linked to the firm’s salary structure. For middle mid-higher management, a well-known points method is the Hay System. This evaluates personnel on their knowledge of the job, their responsibility, and their ability to solve problems Because of the difficulty in measuring administrative work, however, job grades are often decided without reference to an evaluation system based on points or factors.

In attempting to reach a salaries policy, the Personnel Department should compare the value of each job with those in the job market. It should also analyze economic factors such as the cost of living and the labor supply.

1. - Please, answer these questions.
a. How could you define Personnel Administration?

b. How is it also known?

c. The term “Personnel Administration may also be used to...?”

d. What are labor relations?

e. Who decides the wages and salaries structure in a company?

f. What does the Hay System evaluate?

g. Is administrative work easy to measure?

2. - Please, discuss in groups (English or Spanish)

a. What’s the difference between wage and salary?

b. What’s the importance of a good personnel selection in a company?

c. What’s the role of Unions in the job market?

d. Personnel Department and Accounts Department. What do you know about the functions and importance in a firm’s structure?

Select and underline the best answer according to the text.

a. Personnel administration is the management of resources:
- Financial                - human              - material

b. In the text, “Associates” means:
- Employees            - associations      - Unions

c. In the text “manpower” means:
- The functions of the manager - the management of power - the management of the people needed for a work.

d. To administrate and organize wages and salaries differ:
- From company to company   - from year to year              - from system to system.

e. If a firm wants to establish a new wages and salaries structure:
- It has to select a method of evaluation.  - It has to employ new personnel. - It has to contract a union.

f. A job evaluation method has to do with:
- Promotion of employees      - Sales             - Advertising

h. The Hay System consists on:
- Classifying managers     - a complete personnel evaluation   - determining wages and salaries.

i. To pay an employee for his/her job is a decision
- Taken by the manager - based on the employee’s former jobs. - based on a market evaluation.


Jet lag

Although 24 hours passed since Barbara had arrived from Australia, she wasn’t completely recovered from jet lag.
Barbara had started her journey on Thursday at 7 o’clock in the morning and after 17 hours of flying she arrived home at 7:25 am the same Thursday.
But though she hasn’t slept for almost 36 hours, it wasn’t easy to fall asleep.
 “I almost haven’t slept.” - said Barbara.
Changing time zones had modified her sleeping habits.

When she woke up at 8 o’clock next morning as she usually she felt really tired. Barbara hadn’t noticed how exhausted she was until 2 hours later when she realized she was driving on the wrong lane.

 “Suddenly, I felt that something wasn’t right! I wasn’t in Australia but was driving on the left lane “
Choose TRUE or FALSE for these statements.

She had started her journey on Thursday

She arrived home on Friday.

Barbara hasn’t slept for 30 hours

It was easy for her to fail asleep

When she woke up she felt great.

Barbara returned from New Zealand

She was driving on the wrong lane.

Present Perfect Simple - have • Past Part
is used
When action happened in unspecified time before now
To describe your experience
To talk about the change that has happened over a period of time
To list the accomplishments

We’ve done all the work
She hasn’t written me for long.

Past Perfect Tense - had Past Participle
Is used
- completed action before something iii the past
- duration before something in the post
(Non-continuous verbs)

Signal words for Past Perfect:
before, until
by the time
Betty has arrived before you called me.
We hadn’t thought about it until you mentioned his name
By the time my father came I had already fallen asleep.

Make your own examples using Present Perfect and Past Perfect tenses.

This is a list of factors that doctors suggest might affect sleep quality.
Read and match them with the pictures.

You had put too many pillows on your bed before going to sleep. (a)
You had smoked and had coffee before going to bed. (b)
You had fought with someone and felt really stressed before you went to sleep. (d)
You had eaten a lot right before going to bed.(c)


Playing your favorite CD after a hard day. or listening to your favorite radio station before you go to bed, is soothing or actually helps put you in a better mood. Music is for more than just noise in the background - it can actually help you to sleep better, improve your brainpower, and reduce stress and more. A very interesting study published in the February 2005 edition of the Journal of Advanced Nursing found that older adults with sleep problems who listened to soft music of bedtime reported a 35 percent improvement in their sleep. The participants slept longer and better, and had less daytime dysfunction after listening to 45 minutes of music before bed.

Complete this text with the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

I can’t believe I (get) ________ that apartment.
 I (submit) ___________ my application last week, but I didn’t think 1 had a chance of actually getting it.
When I (show) _____________up to take a look around, there were at least twenty other people who (arrive) ___________ before me
Most of them (fill, already) ____________out their applications and were already leaving. The landlord said I could still apply, so I did. I (try) ___________to fill out the form, but I couldn’t answer half of the questions.
They (want) ____________me to include references, but I didn’t want to list my previous landlord because I (have)____________ some problems with him and I knew he wouldn’t recommend me.
I (end) _________________ up listing my father as a reference.

Speaking activity:

Tell your classmates what you had done before you went to sleep yesterday.
Use Past Perfect and Past Simple in your sentences.
Share your good and bad sleeping experiences with your partners.

I had watched a horror movie before I went to sleep. I couldn’t fall asleep for long.


Cause of global warming

Almost 100% of the observed temperature increase over the last 50 years has been due to the increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gas concentrations like water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone. Greenhouse gases are those gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. The largest contributing source of greenhouse gas is the burning of fossil fuels leading to the emission of carbon dioxide. When sunlight reaches Earth’s surface, some is absorbed and warms the earth and the rest is radiated back to the atmosphere at a longer wave- length. Some of these longer wavelengths are absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere before they are lost in the space. The absorption of this radiant energy warms the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases act like a mirror and reflect back to the Earth some of the heat energy which would otherwise be lost in space. The reflecting back of heat energy by the atmosphere is called the “greenhouse effect”.

The higher the concentration of green house gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the more heat/energy is being reflected back to the Earth. The emission of carbon dioxide into the environment mainly from burning of fossil fuels (oil, gas, petrol, kerosene, etc.) has been increased dramatically over the past 50 years.

Answer these questions and discuss them with your classmates.

a. What global warming effects do you suffer in your every day life?
b. Do you contribute to global warming effects?
c. Do you think people are responsible of global warming?
d. What country in your opinion contributes the most to global warming?
e. What natural disasters will be side effects of global warming?

1st conditional
Used to express situations based on fact in the present or future (things that may happen)

If clause    will / won’t    main clause
If he comes late I’ll be angry.
We won’t sleep if you don’t arrive

Complete these sentences.
If I don’t clean my house…………………………………………………………………
If I have an exam tomorrow………………………………………………………………
If I spend all my money…………………………………………………………………
If I make a delicious dinner……………………………………………………………..
If my friends asks me for help…………………………………………………………..
If I lose all my school notes……………………………………………………………..
If nobody comes to my party…………………………………………………………….

Match conditions and results and make complete sentences.

a. If we raise our voice
b. If we choose efficient vehicles
c. If we drive smart cars
d. If we drive less
e. If we buy energy efficient appliances
f. If we replace light bulbs with fluorescent bulbs
g. If we weatherize our homes

_______ We’ll produce less carbon oxide.
_______ We´ll make the authorities listen to us.
_______ We´ll save a lot of electricity.
_______ We´ll reduce air pollution.
_______ We´ll reduce the burning fossils fuels.
_______ We´ll have better fuel efficiency.
_______ We´´ll save on buying light bulbs.


Do commercials really influence us? They sure do! Children remember and recite slogans, jingles and songs from advertising. They’re aware of brand names and try to influence their parents to purchase advertised goods. Children and teenagers may learn misleading information about nutrition from commercials.

Commercials convince that cream filled snack cakes are vitamin enriched or caramel bars are packed with protein, but in reality they’re heavily sugared foods. People are influenced by media advertisement. We buy ah kinds of goods we don’t really need. We spend hard-earned money on products that look attractive on TV or in magazines. Tricks commonly used by media advertisement are well known. Celebrities advertising different goods like cosmetics, clothes, sport gears. Gorgeous slim women telling us the only thing we need to look like that is to get some ducts they use. Cute little smiling babies in all kinds of commercials make us laugh. Talking animals and toys convince us to run for some beautiful gadgets or food. Prices like 99.99 or attractive discounts for something we’ll probably never use if we get it. It has become almost impossible to avoid media ads. It surrounds us at home in stores, in the street, in buses, trains and planes. The solution is to learn to be reasonable. To ask ourselves the most important question? Do I really need it? Is it so necessary to get it? Most of the time the answer will be NO!

Answer these questions.

How does media advertisement influence children?

What tricks are used in media ads to convince us to buy advertised goods?

Match the pictures with the tricks used in commercials.

The Present Simple is used for:
ü      Permanent situations
ü      Habitual actions.
ü      For general truths
ü      Exclamatory sentences.

Television impact on children
Almost all homes today (98 per cent) have at least one TV set. The average TV set is in operation more than 7 hours a day. Children as young as 9 months old watch as much as 90 minutes a day. By age 4, children average four hours a day watching TV. By the time young people graduate from High School they will have spent more time on watching TV than any other activity except sleeping.

Here are some advices to make watching TV a positive experience. Check the ones you like the most.

Make TV time family time

Spent time talking about what happened on the show.

Turn the TV off when the program is over.

Plan follow-up activities to watch TV.

Compare product with TV commercials.

Plan alternative activities on watching TV.

Watch only one program a day.

Speaking activity: Remember the last product you bought and if the decision was influenced by media advertisement. Discuss this situation with your classmates.


Pre Reading: What robot would you like to have?
Robots and machines of the past, present and future
Passive Voice
My favorite robot
Short Circuit 1986 Review
Just: what would happen if a military robot was set loose in America before all its kinds could be worked out? This is the scenario that plays out in the film Robots there are wheeled machines and follow commands without question.
During the tests of these machines, one of them is struck by lightning and gets damaged. This machine is known as number 5.
After the accident Number 5 wants to travel the world. He meets a girl that sells ice cream a truck for a living.
Number 5 learns about the world as he reads all the books he finds.
Number 5 was a robot built for destruction, but becomes a loving and friendly to all people machine
1. Robot… 2004 Review
Will Smith is Spooner, a cop with an apparent attitude problem. Spooner investigates a puzzling case of suicide where he believed it was murder by a robot.
In this future society robots are used as slaves. Spooner in particular becomes suspicious of one robot. That robot happens to have dreams and feelings, and Spooner realizes that he was looking in the wrong place. Robots were manipulated by a central machine and Spooner solves the case.
The real stars of this movie are the special effects and visual trickery. Robots look truly alive and utterly believable.

This robot was designed        This robot was made           This robot was built              This robot was designed
For children´s games              to be a waiter in                   to clean and dust.                 To be a solar battery.
1: letter                                    restaurants.                           3: letter                               4: letter
                                                    2: letter
Pre reading: Read the title of this article and say what is going to be about
Robot in my kitchen!
It’s going to be about robots that helps people to cook.
What woman doesn’t dream of somebody who could make all house chores for her? Wouldn’t it be her? Kitchen nowadays is considered to be a working place for most of the people.
What if one day it is completely modified into something so easy and him to manage. Imagine a robot built to cook your favorite meals, clean, wash the dishes and all that with a smile on its “face”. Well, Matt Masson the director of Robots Institute in Pennsylvania is convinced is a matter of several years before it all comes true. Nowadays exist robots cleaners, robots waiters and office-helpers robots and they have been already built and launched into massive production.
There are refrigerators ordering food by internet. There are vacuum cleaners scanning dimensions of the houses and making perfect cleanings. Considering all that, we are 2 steps away from being surrounded by all kinds of robots in every day life.
It is our ultimate dream of techno world? Maybe we simply don’t have time to stop and think about the consequences of converting machines in our slaves, what ultimately can convert us in their slaves.
a) Kitchens nowadays are considered to be ____________________________________________
b) Matt Mason is convinced _________________________________________________________
c) There are vacuum cleaners ________________________________________________________
d) We simply don’t have time ________________________________________________________
Discuss with your classmates pros and cons of creating new more technologically advanced robots.

Mary helped her brother organize the party.

We bought a new car last month.

My friend installed new software in my laptop.

Students didn´t find this information in internet.

Carlos broke his MP3 player 2 days ago.